Kuang-Hua ChenKuang-hua Chen was born in Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C. He received B.S. degree in 1986, master degree in 1991, and Ph.D. of Computer Science in 1996, all from National Taiwan University. He joined Department of Library and Information Science at National Taiwan University in 1996. Currently, he is the University Librarian of National Taiwan University, Director-General of National Taiwan University Museums, President of Library Association of Republic of China (Taiwan), and Chair of Taiwan OCLC Governing Members Consortium. He has been the Chair of OCLC Asia Pacific Regional Council and the President of Chinese Interlibrary Cooperation Association. His research interests are Information Retrieval and Evaluation, Citation Analysis and Evaluation, Natural Language Processing, Digital Humanities, and Linked Data. He has published more than 150 research papers, 4 book titles, 5 patents, and other publications. He is the member of Library Association of Republic of China (Taiwan), Association for Computational Linguistics and Chinese Language Processing, Chinese Association of Library & Information Science Education, Taiwanese Association for Digital Humanities, and Institute of Information & Computing Machinery.