  • 世紀變遷下的圖書館:跨越90國家圖書館館慶國際研討會

講者 Speakers


Renaldas Gudauskas, Director General of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania

Renaldas GudauskasRenaldas Gudauskas

Prof. Renaldas Gudauskas received his graduate diploma in Library and Information Sciences at Vilnius University. In Saint Petersburg State Institute of Culture he defended his doctoral dissertation in Social Sciences. In 1996–1998, Prof. Renaldas Gudauskas was Advisor for Information and Communication to the President of Lithuania; in 1998–2000, Vice-Minister for information and informatics at the Ministry of Public Administration; in 2001–2005, Advisor to Prime Minister of Lithuania for science, education and information society development. 

In 2010, Prof. Renaldas Gudauskas became Director General of the Martynas Mažvydas National Library of Lithuania, In 2012, he was member of the Management Committee of The European Library; in 2012–2018, President of the Bibliotheca Baltica Association; in 2003–2007, Director of UNESCO International Centre of Knowledge Economy and Managment of Vilnius University.

In 2001-2006 a member of the European Union Information Society Technology Committee (the Head of the Lithuanian delegation); in 2009–2013, an expert at the European Science Foundation; in 2021–2024, a member of the Executive Committee of the UNESCO Associate International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH). Since 2007, he has been an adjunct professor at the University of Information and Communication in South Korea; since 2012, a member of the Board of the Association of Certified Knowledge Management Professionals KMPro (USA). Currently Prof. R. Gudauskas is a board member of the association ”Bibliotheca Baltica” and Member of Lithuanian National Radio and Television council (since 2022). He is a member of the Lithuanian National Commission for UNESCO.

Prof. Renaldas Gudauskas has been awarded the Cross of the Knight of the Order for Merits to Lithuania in recognition of the merits to the Republic of Lithuania and for promoting Lithuania internationally.

Dr. Renaldas Gudauskas於維爾紐斯大學聖彼得堡文化學院通過社會科學博士論文口試,取得圖書館和資訊科技的博士學位。1998年擔任立陶宛總統的資訊和通訊顧問及公共行政部資訊及資訊學副部長;2001年至2005 年改任立陶宛總統科學、教育和資訊社會發展顧問。


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