  • 世紀變遷下的圖書館:跨越90國家圖書館館慶國際研討會

講者 Speakers


Tomas Foltyn, Director General of the National Library of the Czech Republic

Tomas FoltynTomas Foltyn

Mgr. Tomas Foltyn is the graduate of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Pardubice, where he completed his master studies in the field of cultural history in 2008. From 2007 he worked in the Digitization Department of the National Library of Czech Republic, first as Project Manager, then as the Head of the Metadata Creation and Management Department. From February 2012 he held the position of the Head of the Strategic Planning Department for the Digitization of Library Collections. In January 2013, he was appointed as Collections´ Management Division Director. On May 1, 2021, he became the General Director of the National Library of the Czech Republic.

Mgr. Tomas Foltyn is involved in various national and international research projects, is an expert guarantor of the VISK 7 Funding Mechanism, the regular member of the Central Library Council of the Czech Republic, regular board member of the IFLA Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group a finally also the member of the CASLIN international conference program committee. From the professional perspective, he is interested especially in the area of the effective collections´ management and long-term preservation of the modern collections including the digital content. During last years, he started to be involved also in various activities connected with digital humanities. More detailed information about his professional life is available via his LinkedIn professional profile - https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomas-foltyn-a3564226/.

Tomas Foltyn館長畢業於捷克帕爾杜比采大學(University of Pardubice)文學院,2008年取得文化歷史學碩士學位。自2007年起於捷克共和國國家圖書館數位部門服務,初始為專案經理,後為詮釋資料創建與管理部門主管,2012年2月起為館藏數位化之策略規劃部門主管,2013年1月為館藏發展組主任,2021年5月1日起被任命為捷克共和國國家圖書館館長。

Foltyn館長投入捷克國內外諸多研究,肩負多項職務,目前為捷克國家長期保存受損報紙計畫「VISK 7」之專業顧問成員。此外,也是捷克中央圖書館理事會常任委員、國際圖書館協會聯盟(International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA)數位人文/數位學術特別興趣小組(Special interest group)常任委員,以及捷克與斯洛伐克圖書館資訊網路(Czech and Slovak Library Information Network, CASLIN)委員會成員。就圖資專業面向,Foltyn館長專長館藏管理,以及數位內容長期數位保存領域。近年來,開始參與許多活動,如數位人文。Foltyn館長專業背景介紹,請參見其LinkedIn資料 https://www.linkedin.com/in/tomas-foltyn-a3564226/

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