  • 世紀變遷下的圖書館:跨越90國家圖書館館慶國際研討會

摘要 Abstracts


Sustainability in the German National Library / Frank Scholze

Frank Scholze, Director General of the German National Library (Deutsche Nationalbibliothek/DNB)

The talk "Sustainability at the German National Library" explores the role of a national library as an “active cultural memory” within changing conditions and requirements. The presentation will show which of the 17 Unesco Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are of particular significance for libraries, and how libraries can support their completion. Moreover, it will be discussed how to balance the goal of sustainability as an institution with high standards for preservation and also expanding possibilities of public and scientific participation in using the libraries’ collections.

The German National Library approaches sustainability from different perspectives: in making the physical library space more sustainable, considering sustainability in the development of digital infrastructure, preserving more and more recycled paper or finding new ways of getting into dialogue with the public as a part of the library’s social responsibility. And by implementing simple procedures and mind-sets that are common in private households in Germany, e.g. waste separation for recycling purposes or energy saving measures. This global approach will be linked back to the SDGs and general legal conditions, whilst highlighting some projects as examples.

「德國國家圖書館的永續性」的演講將探討國家圖書館在不斷變化的條件與要求中,作為「活躍的文化記憶」所扮演的角色。內容陳述聯合國教科文組織17項永續發展目標 (SDG) 中,哪些目標對圖書館特別重要以及圖書館如何協助這些目標的完成。此外,也將討論如何平衡一個具有高標準保存機構的永續性目標,以及擴大公眾和科學參與使用圖書館館藏的可能性。
