  • 世紀變遷下的圖書館:跨越90國家圖書館館慶國際研討會

摘要 Abstracts


The British Library at 50: Looking to the Future / Sir Roly Keating

Sir Roly Keating, Chief Executive of the British Library

This speech considers the challenges and opportunities facing national libraries in a changing world, by focussing on the evolution of the British Library from its foundation 50 years ago and the development of its strategic vision for the future. It will chart the journey from many collections to one – the decades-long process of bringing disparate collections together into a single organisation, with a unified and coherent experience for its users. Also explored will be the challenges of growth and increasing scope – including new developments in terms of storage space and collection care; the advent of digital Legal Deposit collecting (including the web and e-books); the growth of digitisation of heritage collections; and the increasing use of AI to navigate and manipulate vast datasets which will transform what users are able to do in the decades to come.

A particular point of focus will be the continued importance of physical spaces and services alongside the growth of digital collections. While online is a huge part of what the Library does now, its physical sites are arguably more important than ever as a means for people to encounter, learn about and explore our collection. The speech will describe the Library’s major capital projects and its growing work to reach much larger audiences through partnerships with public libraries across the UK.

Finally, the speech will reflect on themes of sustainability, longevity, continuity – themes that connect the Library’s past and its future, underpinning the uniquely long-term role that a national library has and its leverage in terms of both visibility and convening power; its responsibility for and commitment to the long-term; and the crucial role of partnerships, at local, national and international levels, in making this happen.

