Leslie WeirLeslie Weir is the Librarian and Archivist of Canada leading Library and Archives Canada since August 2019. Before coming to Library and Archives Canada, Ms. Weir was the University librarian at the University of Ottawa, where she founded the School of Information Studies in the Faculty of Arts. Prior to her arrival at the university, Ms. Weir held positions at National Library of Canada, Statistics Canada Library and Côte St. Luc Public Library in Montréal. She holds a Masters in Library Science from McGill University and a Bachelor of Arts (Canadian History) from Concordia University.
To date, Ms. Weir has played important roles in many transformative moments at the Canadian Research Knowledge Network and research libraries in Canada. She is one of the founding architects of Scholars Portal, the state-of-the-art research infrastructure in Ontario universities and served as Chair of the Ontario Council of University Libraries. Ms. Weir also served as President of Canadiana.org, the Canadian Association of Research Libraries and the Ontario Library Association. She is currently a Professional Division Chair at the International Federation of Library Associations.
Ms. Weir's service to the profession has been recognized by numerous awards including the CLA/Ken Haycock Award for Promoting Librarianship, the Ron MacDonald Distinguished Service Award from the Canadian Research Knowledge Network, the Ontario Council of University Libraries Lifetime Achievement Award and the Canadian Association of Research Libraries Award for Distinguished Service to Research Librarianship.
加拿大國家圖書館(Library and Archives Canada,簡稱LAC)館長Leslie Weir女士,於2019年上任迄今,是該館的首位女性館長。
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