  • 世紀變遷下的圖書館:跨越90國家圖書館館慶國際研討會

講者 Speakers


Ng Cher Pong, Chief Executive Officer of the National Library Board (NLB), Singapore

Ng Cher PongNg Cher Pong

Mr. Ng Cher Pong is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Library Board (NLB), Singapore. He oversees a network of 28 libraries, the National Library, and the National Archives of Singapore – the three key bodies under NLB. Cher Pong is leading NLB on its mission to nurture readers for life, build learning communities and a knowledgeable nation. As part of this effort, he is actively driving the implementation of LAB25 (Libraries and Archives Blueprint 2025) launched in 2021. At the same time, he seeks to strengthen NLB’s standing as an international leader in the industry, forging partnerships and exchanges around the world.

Cher Pong has more than 25 years of experience in the public service and has served in various capacities across many ministries and government agencies in Singapore, such as the Ministry of Manpower, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Education, Singapore Workforce Development Agency and SkillsFuture Singapore.

In 2016, he received the Public Administration Medal (Silver) for his contributions to the Singapore Civil Service. Prior to joining NLB in December 2019, Cher Pong was the founding Chief Executive of SkillsFuture Singapore where he played a pivotal role in the development and implementation of various SkillsFuture initiatives.

Cher Pong graduated as an engineer from the University of Cambridge and holds a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD. He also attended the Advanced Management Programme at Harvard Business School.

黃子鵬為新加坡國家圖書館管理局(National Library Board, NLB)局長,致力於透過2021年啟動的「2025年圖書館及檔案館藍圖」(Libraries and Archives Blueprint 2025,簡稱LAB25),帶領該局服務讀者、建立學習社群與一個具知識素養的國家。與此同時,尋求強化該局在國際上領導地位,打造與全世界的夥伴關係。黃局長係英國劍橋大學歐洲工商管理學院碩士,擁有超過25年公職服務經驗,曾在新加坡人力部、國防部、教育部、勞動力局、精深局等單位任職。2016年榮獲公共行政管理勳章銀章。

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