  • 世紀變遷下的圖書館:跨越90國家圖書館館慶國際研討會

講者 Speakers


Janne Andresoo, Director General of the National Library of Estonia

Janne AndresooJanne Andresoo

Janne Andresoo  received her Graduate Diploma in Library and Information Sciences from the Tallinn University. After graduating she worked in the Tallinn University as lecturer, and continued teaching students part-time until 2008. In 1994, Janne Andresoo joined the National Library of Estonia and has since been with the Library, working in different positions (Head of National Bibliography Unit, Chief Bibliographer, Head of Research and Development Centre, Head of Collections Management Department). In 2008, Janne Andresoo was elected Director General of the Library and is currently serving her 3rd term as head of the institution. In 2013 she received MSc in Business Administration from the University of Tartu.

The affiliations of Janne Andresoo include positions in many national and international organisations and bodies, among them Vice-Chair and member of Executive Committee of CENL (Conference of European National Librarians), Vice-Chair of CDNL (Conference of Directors of National Libraries), Member of Estonian Museums Board, Member of Estonian Archives Board, Member of Board of the Tallinn University School of Digital Technologies. She has served as Chairman of the Estonian Librarians Association and is currently member of its Professional Examination Committee.

Currently Janne Andresoo is focussing on the extensive renovation of the National Library building, along with that continuing to implement innovative solutions into the work processes, to develop the organisation and make the Library relevant to a wider readership by applying service design methods and preparing special educational programmes for both children and adults.

Janne Andresoo於塔林大學取得圖書資訊碩士學位後於母校擔任兼任講師直至2008年。1994年加入愛沙尼亞國家圖書館工作團隊,擔任各級主管(國家書目組組長、編目主任、研發中心主任、館藏發展主任)。2008年晉升為愛沙尼亞國家圖書館館長,目前為第3任期。2013年取得塔爾圖大學企業管理碩士學位。Janne Andresoo館長於愛沙尼亞的許多組織擔任要職,包含歐洲國家圖書館副主席與成員、全國圖書館館長會議副主席、愛沙尼亞博物館委員、愛沙尼亞檔案局委員、塔爾圖大學數位科技學院委員會成員。現為愛沙尼亞國家圖書館學會主席,亦為專業考試委員。


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