Julia Konopka-ŻołnierczukJulia Konopka-Żołnierczuk (1990-), Deputy Director of the National Library of Poland. She holds a degree in Cultural Studies, specialising in Mediterranean civilisation, from the Faculty of "Artes Liberales" at the University of Warsaw. She has worked at the National Library of Poland since January 2016, first in the Secretariat and then combining the positions of Secretary to the Management and Head of the Secretariat. Her position has brought her responsibility for the coordination of several projects at the National Library. Since 2017 she has acted as representative of the Director of the National Library with regard to purchases and donations of library materials. On behalf of the National Library she helped prepare the National Reading Development Programme for 2021-2025. In 2021 she was appointed Deputy Director of the National Library of Poland. She is responsible for promotion of the National Library, development of services and access for readers and the international cooperation.
Julia Konopka-Żołnierczuk (1990-) 為波蘭國家圖書館副館長,擁有華沙大學自由藝術學院學位,專攻地中海文明。自2016年1月起在波蘭國家圖書館工作,先後任職於秘書處、管理層秘書和秘書處負責人。在館中負責協調國家圖書館的多個專案。自2017年,作為國家圖書館館長的代表,負責採購和捐贈圖書館資料,也代表國家圖書館籌備2021-2025年國家閱讀發展計畫。2021年起,擔任波蘭國家圖書館副館長,主要負責國家圖書館的推廣、服務開發和讀者訪問以及國際合作。
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